Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sweet Dudes and Dog Dad Tattoos

If you are reading this, that means that i actually survived tour. Tour was fun, GSTS! is fucking insane and is made up of some of the raddest, craziest, oddest dudes i've ever met, shit got wrecked, there will be a ton of photos soon.

Speaking of GSTS!, everyone in Edmonton and area should go check them out when they are back in town on August 7th playing this show.

Other than that, there is a bunch of new band material popping up where ever i look. Maybe it's old news, but i haven't been on the internet in weeks so it's new news to me. Check out these bands and their new tunes

Brain Fever
Owen Hart (they are not local, but i don't care, these guys fucking rule).

There are so many stories from tour, both good and bad, that i could share. Honestly, it'd be such a task to transcribe to this blog, so you'll probably just have to hear them from us personally. That, and i like to keep them to memory. I do have to say thank you to every band we played with, every promoter that put on a show, every and anyone who let us sleep at their place and sometimes fill our stomachs, and to every single person who came out and watched us play.

That is it, Electro Quarterstaff on the 19th with Goose. Be there!


Ps. An explanation for the title of this post. Reuban from GSTS! saw the post called "Cross Canada Dog Day Shit Show" (look below) and actually got "CCDDSS 09" stick and poked on his arm. Ridiculous. Mike from GSTS! also got a Cope tattoo. Absolutely ridiculous.

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