Thursday, December 4, 2008

You had the most ridiculously intense face!

Winter is finally here. There's actually snow on the ground and its cold outside. Aside from snow, the cold, and people bitching about the snow and cold, December also brings the joyous final exams, which Todd and Matt have been really busy with for the past little while. As a result, all things Cope will be going at a snails pace until the new year. 

As far as the EP goes... i'll only be repeating myself. I'm not going to mention it anymore until its actually out and ready sell. Its done, we need to package it, if you read this blog, you'll be the first to know.

Currently, we've been writing for our 12" collaboration with St. Gilles that Just Say No! records is putting out. We've all been pretty excited about the music that has miraculously been, and continues to be coming out from writing jams. The songs are far more technical and far better written then the songs we've been playing for the past year and we're looking forward to playing these new songs as soon as possible.

Speaking of Just Say No!, you should check out the JSN! blog. I'll be making little Cope updates from time to time on there so look out for those.

That's all i can really think of right now.

Take care,


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