Tuesday, July 8, 2008

That xenu is a galactic asshole

First off, a huge thank you to Rotbottyrot (for Eddie Shorts as well), Thrashtic Fibrosis, High Jinks, ANS for coming all the way to Edmonton from Texas, and Ryan from Hominid for putting on the show, which took place this past Sunday. If you missed it, well fuck, you missed a great show.

There are photos that were taken at the show by our friend Travis Logan, and a video of our set. Once i have said photos and video, i will post them here.

As far as recording goes, the actual recording is done, now its just the mixing that needs to be complete. Everything is sounding awesome so far!

This weekend, we and our friends in hominid, get to play with San Francisco's Punch in Edmonton and Calgary. The almighty Gift Eaters and always rad BYK have also been added to the Edmonton Show! Check them out!

End Transmission,


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