I'm being really lazy with updating this things, but at the same time, not much has been going on.
We played the halloween cover show last night as Sunn O))) and i would have to say that it went pretty well. We got a lot of positive feedback and a lot of "it was creepy" comments, which i think were the best compliments as it was a halloween show and that was our ultimate goal. Thank you to everyone who played with us and everyone who came out on halloween, considering i'm sure that there were many other festivities taking place last night.
In upcoming show news, we have two shows in the month of November. One with a terrific band, on November 9th, known as Black Ships, hailing from Montreal, and with our good friends Gift Eaters. The other, the next day on November 10th, with Drown Out, hailing from BC. We hope to have at least one new song from the St. Gilles split ready to play for these shows, so come out and wreck some shit with us.
For months, MONTHS, i have been saying "the ep is almost done".... It's almost done, all we have to do is master it. You have to understand, we are perfectionists, the mixing process was a long and tedious one, and many thanks goes out to Steve and his much appreciated patience.
Here are the posters for the two November shows.

Ca c'est tous.